Sphere Home Loans
Naming / Brand Identity / Website / Stationery
The Challenge
The business has evolve and we are no longer just a central coast business. A rabbit warren of marketing ideas we’ve tacked on over the years and it had to be solved.
The Objective
One message, one client need and one team. Craft a compelling message to allow referrals to grow and attract/recruit the best staff. Part of the process will be to reposition Sphere in the market as the ‘go-to’ brokerage.
The main value for us really came the workshop environment. Jason, and his team really flushed out the core values of our business and what we represented to our clients.
“I knew that we needed to make some changes to our branding as our brand was 8 years old, and no longer reflected where we were heading.
We now have a brand that I'm really proud of and that really represents who we are and where we're going.”
– Rachelle Kroon, Sphere Home Loans