Julie Masters
Brand Identity / Website / Keynote Deck
Julie’s content on INFLUENCER’S is light-years ahead but it lacked visual impact and consistency across her platforms. Julie wanted her visual look updated to match her personal style and her disruptive message.
Edgy, bold, street meets corporate. Super clean keynotes slides with bold graphics that capture your attention, hold engagement and leaves you wanting more. We crafted a visual language that allowed Julie to be proud to stand in front of it.

“I say again - you are a genius!
The largest compliment I can pay Jason is, never in 20 years of business have I ever worked with somebody, where I’ve asked them to invoice me for more money than quoted....
He goes above and beyond - he understands business and branding and can translate it to something you’re proud of.
If you’re a speaker or influencer and the way you work online has a massive impact on the fees you can command I’d recommend Jason - In a world of thousands of suppliers, he is a winner.”
— Julie Masters